Short update after Spiel 2019 Essen

Hello everyone,

I enjoyed this Messe. There was a lot of positive reactions.

I started developed this game in April 2019 in time after my regular work. First 6 month were a lot of development, testing, balancing and so. I make it only myself, paralel with preparation to Spiel 2019 and other things around this game. In Messe help me my sister and brother to present my game (version 0.6) and with possibility to play this game with wooden components. I learn a lot from this event and it is big commitment for me now. I would like to present here or on my website whole content and work from Essen. You can easily read rules or print and play at home. Sorry for not professional translate now, but it was not enough time for it.

It starts second period of developments. I would like to test this game in Czech republic in small clubs. I work in Germany (Sachsen – Bautzen), so it is possible to make some test also in Germany and Poland. Second chance is just play at home and send me your FEEDBACK. I have to work on public relations too. If you have hint or CONTACTS to key people, write to me ( When everythig goes well this second periond culminate with Kickstarter campaign in Q2/2020. I want to make it openly, so you can help make this game better. I will start write blog about development and news to make whole thing easier for you (here, facebook, website). I also use twitter and instagram.

Last but not least, I have to say, thank you. Thank all people, who visited us at booth in Essen. This game is no mainstream. A lot of people say it is long, I know, but it is strategy. I say, it is like pc strategy games from 90′. No historic simulation (Wargame), no peacefully strategy (Eurogame). It is strategy skirmish in board game, therefore Scharz. It is playground. I balanced it, to have no ultimate strategy how to play. I made it quick to start, because it short game rules. I made it easy to learn, hard to master, because you can play intuitive (it is quite realistic) or you can calculate and plan a lot of things. There is small chance and diplomacy to balance power in game. There is same start for each player, so it is just. It is for 2-12, without waiting time. And Every number of players is good game, because this skirmish concept, economy part and game in game. There is short term and long term strategy. There is management your money between economy development and military. There are different scenarios with special rules simulated specific situation in history. But each map is for 2-12 people. So it realistic, not fantasy (geography, economy, season in year, building, fighting, tradig,..). And I would like to make it as solid game, it means all wooden components, big board plan, nice to home play.

I learn one more thing. You can make a lot of things alone, but other people are the key. I have to say big thank you 6 of them. My wife to support me, my brother and sister to assist me in Essen. Arne Lorenz (Era of Tribes) to share my game in fb and friendly behavior, Martina Fuchs (Fox&Bär) to share my game in tw and friendly behavior (one review copy v0.6 is in her hand) and Petr Murmak (CGE) to friendly behavior and advices in limited time.

Please spread the word

Jakub Kunčík

NEXT ARTICLE (11/2019)