
The Spiel 2022 Essen remained a bit behind expectations this year. Still, I can’t complain about the lack of interest (1 game was even stolen during closing time). I have to thank especially my wife, my daughter and my assistant Michal. The rules were not quite up to scratch, but otherwise I believe the new owners will be satisfied. And I also believe that they will do their bit to support the game before the campaign in March 2023.

Daughter’s name is Julia.

After a three-week break, I started working again. The new Player Aid (v0.98) is now available and I will publish the remaining material during November. There is a bit more work to do on the rules. I will probably publish the pre-final version 0.99 before the campaign itself.

Player Aid_v0.98 (18.11.2022)

Aside from a few fixes, clarifications and minor adjustments, I’ve simplified the trade of commodities and feeding a bit. I’ve simplified the final scoring. I took away from heavy infantry the free re-roll. And I added „Unit Experience“ to the red mode. Nice mechanic, brought to me by another designer, and which especially after the last test makes sense to me. Hard to believe, but the game is a bit better again. I’m already looking forward to the final version. I apologize to others that changes are still being made.

after 9 Game rounds
after 12 Game rounds
after 16 Game rounds
after 20 Game rounds

Attempt to make Player Aid for Fast mode only:

Player Aid for Fast mode only_v0.98 (18.11.2022)

New video about v0.98 (29.11.2022):


NEXT ARTICLE (12/2022)