2 April 2023
The Kickstarter campaign has failed.
1) Thank you to all backers, especially 113 of them, who have expressed interest in buying Part I. Relaunch will probably be in a year (March 2024). Feedback welcome.
2) If you are thinking of buying the game during the relaunch crowdfunding campaign, you can help me a lot by letting me know via P250.
3) For the truly interested, there’s also the option to get one of the remaining pre-production versions of the game (and then just buy an upgrade in the campaign).
11 April 2023
The first shipment (8 games) of pre-production games was sent before Easter. Of course it didn’t leave the shipping point over Easter 🙂 Also, for current owners, I posted an update on the new symbols and cardboard tokens. For the first game (and even easier reading of the Game Rules) I created a First Game sheet and updated the Start Here sheet. I’ve also added Errata v0.992. More here – https://scharz.com/index.php/english/

21 April 2023
Czech version of all materials (v0.992) available for download on the game website: https://scharz.com/index.php/cesky/