One year anniversary of the start of the campaign
Today marks one year since my Kickstarter. I originally planned to launch the relaunch at this exact time. I was working hard on the project until autumn. I separated the battle board from the game into a separate expansion and worked on that. And it’s awesome. On the other hand, I realized another thing. As much as I think the game is amazing, it passes the general consumer by and is still quite difficult to access even for the specific consumer. The vast majority of the games that have made it to the enthusiasts haven’t even been reviewed. As much as I enjoy the enthusiasm of those who have sacrificed a little time and discovered that hidden treasure, it’s not enough. I realized that I would have to, if not scrape, at least separate. And that’s not easy. The enormous amount of time and money I’ve invested in the project over 5 years has enriched me. But it’s not the only thing in my life.
I figured I’d take my time and throttle back a bit. In the meantime, my daughter has begun to demand more time. Before Christmas, I finally got around to assembling an original Herrnhut star with 110 spikes. And today it’s a side project that keeps me fully occupied, and if you keep your fingers crossed for next week, all interested parties could be in for something amazing this Christmas. I believe it will make people, the retailer and me happy and beneficial.
In about a quarter of a year I plan to return to the Scharz project. It is a matter of my heart and I want the result to enchant every enthusiast. But honestly, it’s still a long way off. I have about 40 games left at home out of 150 – if anyone is interested.
Enjoy the spring and see you next time.
Jakub Kunčík